Contains all classes used to define a bot
BotAnswerInterceptor |
Change or update answer before sending to the user Need to be registered using interface BotAnswerInterceptor |
BotDefinition |
The main interface used to define the behaviour of the bot. interface BotDefinition : I18nKeyProvider |
BotDefinitionBase |
Base implementation of BotDefinition. open class BotDefinitionBase : BotDefinition |
BotProvider |
Provides a specific type of BotDefinition. Custom provider should usually not directly extend this class, but instead extend BotProviderBase. interface BotProvider |
BotProviderBase |
Base implementation of BotProvider open class BotProviderBase : BotProvider |
BotProviderId |
A BotProvider unique identifier. data class BotProviderId |
ConfigurableStoryHandler |
A story handler that can be fully configured. Advanced usage only. open class ConfigurableStoryHandler<out T : StoryHandlerDefinition> : StoryHandlerBase<T> |
ConnectorDef |
typealias ConnectorDef<T> = ConnectorStoryHandlerBase<T> |
ConnectorHandlerProvider |
Provides ConnectorHandler. interface ConnectorHandlerProvider |
ConnectorStoryHandler |
Handler for specific ConnectorType. interface ConnectorStoryHandler<out T : StoryHandlerDefinition> : BotBus |
ConnectorStoryHandlerBase |
Base implementation of ConnectorStoryHandler. abstract class ConnectorStoryHandlerBase<out T : StoryHandlerDefinition> : BotBus, ConnectorStoryHandler<T> |
DialogFlowDefinition |
data class DialogFlowDefinition |
DialogFlowState |
data class DialogFlowState |
DialogFlowStateTransition |
data class DialogFlowStateTransition |
DialogFlowStateTransitionType |
enum class DialogFlowStateTransitionType |
EmptyData |
Convenient placeholder for empty data. object EmptyData |
EntityStepSelection |
A step entity configuration option. data class EntityStepSelection |
EventListener |
Listen all events - this is the standard process to handle Event that are not Action (when you need to handle them). interface EventListener |
EventListenerBase |
Base implementation of EventListener. open class EventListenerBase : EventListener |
Handler |
typealias Handler<T> = StoryHandlerBase<T> |
HandlerDef |
typealias HandlerDef<T> = StoryHandlerDefinitionBase<T> |
HandlerStoryDefinitionCreator |
In order to create StoryHandlerDefinition. interface HandlerStoryDefinitionCreator<T : StoryHandlerDefinition> |
Intent |
An intent definition. data class Intent : IntentAware |
IntentAware |
Convenient interface used to compare Intent with StoryDefinition. interface IntentAware |
IntentAwareBase |
For Enum based IntentAware implementations. interface IntentAwareBase : IntentAware |
IntentDef |
typealias IntentDef = IntentAwareBase |
IntentWithoutNamespace |
The non qualified name of the intent. data class IntentWithoutNamespace |
ParameterKey |
A parameter key - the implementation is usually an enum. interface ParameterKey |
Parameters |
Use ParameterKey to create this class. data class Parameters |
SimpleBotDefinition |
A simple BotDefinition. class SimpleBotDefinition : BotDefinitionBase |
SimpleHandler |
typealias SimpleHandler = SimpleStoryHandlerBase |
SimpleStoryDefinition |
Simple implementation of StoryDefinition. open class SimpleStoryDefinition : StoryDefinition |
SimpleStoryHandlerBase |
For simple stories that do not use custom StoryHandlerDefinition. abstract class SimpleStoryHandlerBase : StoryHandlerBase<StoryHandlerDefinition> |
SimpleStoryStep |
StoryStep without custom StoryHandlerDefinition. interface SimpleStoryStep : StoryStep<StoryHandlerDefinition> |
StoryDataStep |
A step that can have specific preconditions and can use input data object in handler. interface StoryDataStep<T : StoryHandlerDefinition, TD, D> : StoryStep<T> |
StoryDataStepBase |
Base class for StoryDataStep implementations. abstract class StoryDataStepBase<T : StoryHandlerDefinition, TD, D> : StoryDataStep<T, TD, D> |
StoryDefinition |
The definition of a "Story". A story holds a list of actions of the same domain. The story provides a set of starter intents. When theses intents are detected, The story is started. interface StoryDefinition : IntentAware |
StoryDefinitionBase |
Default StoryDefinition implementation. open class StoryDefinitionBase : StoryDefinition |
StoryDefinitionExtended |
Helper methods for StoryDefinition implementation. Usually direct implementations are enums. This interface add a starter (and main) intent with intent name equals to the property of value name to the StoryDefinition. Warning: advanced usage only. interface StoryDefinitionExtended : StoryDefinition |
StoryHandler |
Receive a sentence or action, and send the answer. interface StoryHandler |
StoryHandlerBase |
Base implementation of StoryHandler. Provides also a convenient implementation of I18nKeyProvider to support i18n. abstract class StoryHandlerBase<out T : StoryHandlerDefinition> : StoryHandler, I18nKeyProvider, IntentAware |
StoryHandlerDefinition |
Story handler definitions are used in StoryHandler to provide custom context and to manage specific connector behaviour. interface StoryHandlerDefinition : BotBus |
StoryHandlerDefinitionBase |
Base implementation of StoryHandlerDefinition. abstract class StoryHandlerDefinitionBase<T : ConnectorStoryHandlerBase<*>> : BotBus, StoryHandlerDefinition |
StoryHandlerListener |
To listen before and after action handling. Need to be registered using interface StoryHandlerListener |
StoryStep |
A step is a part of a StoryDefinition. Used to manage workflow in a StoryHandler. interface StoryStep<T : StoryHandlerDefinition> |
StoryTag |
enum class StoryTag |
TestBehaviour |
Define values and behaviour for integration tests. interface TestBehaviour |
TestBehaviourBase |
Base implementation of TestBehaviour. open class TestBehaviourBase : TestBehaviour |
noStep |
Use this step when you want to set a null StoryStep. val noStep: SimpleStoryStep |
bot |
Creates a new bot. fun bot(botId: String, stories: List<StoryDefinition>, namespace: String = "app", nlpModelName: String = botId, unknownStory: StoryDefinition = defaultUnknownStory, hello: IntentAware? = null, goodbye: IntentAware? = null, noInput: IntentAware? = null, botDisabled: IntentAware? = null, botEnabled: IntentAware? = null, userLocation: IntentAware? = null, handleAttachment: IntentAware? = null, eventListener: EventListener = EventListenerBase(), keywordStory: StoryDefinition = defaultKeywordStory, conversation: DialogFlowDefinition? = null): SimpleBotDefinition |
defaultHandlerStoryDefinitionCreator |
Returns default HandlerStoryDefinitionCreator. fun <T : StoryHandlerDefinition> defaultHandlerStoryDefinitionCreator(): HandlerStoryDefinitionCreator<T> |
notify |
Sends a notification to a connector. A Bus is created and the corresponding story is called. fun notify(applicationId: String, namespace: String, botId: String, recipientId: PlayerId, intent: IntentAware, step: StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>? = null, parameters: Parameters = Parameters.EMPTY, stateModifier: NotifyBotStateModifier = NotifyBotStateModifier.KEEP_CURRENT_STATE, notificationType: ActionNotificationType? = null, errorListener: (Throwable) -> Unit = {}): Unit |
story |
Creates a new story. fun story(handler: SimpleStoryHandlerBase, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), steps: List<StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>> = emptyList(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null): StoryDefinitionBase fun story(intentName: String, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), steps: List<StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>> = emptyList(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null, handler: BotBus.() -> Unit): StoryDefinitionBase fun <T : StoryHandlerDefinition> story(handler: StoryHandlerBase<T>, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), steps: List<StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>> = emptyList(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null): StoryDefinitionBase
Creates a new story from a StoryHandler. fun story(intent: IntentAware, storyHandler: StoryHandler, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), steps: List<StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>> = emptyList(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null): StoryDefinitionBase |
storyDef |
Creates a new story. fun <T : StoryHandlerDefinition, D> storyDef(intentName: String, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), steps: List<StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>> = emptyList(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null, handlerDefCreator: HandlerStoryDefinitionCreator<T> = defaultHandlerStoryDefinitionCreator(), preconditionsChecker: BotBus.() -> D): StoryDefinitionBase fun <T : StoryHandlerDefinition> storyDef(intentName: String, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), steps: List<StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>> = emptyList(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null, handlerDefCreator: HandlerStoryDefinitionCreator<T> = defaultHandlerStoryDefinitionCreator(), preconditionsChecker: BotBus.() -> Unit): StoryDefinitionBase |
storyDefWithSteps |
Creates a new story. fun <T : StoryHandlerDefinition, S, D> storyDefWithSteps(intentName: String, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null, handlerDefCreator: HandlerStoryDefinitionCreator<T> = defaultHandlerStoryDefinitionCreator(), preconditionsChecker: BotBus.() -> D): StoryDefinitionBase where S : Enum<S>, S : StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition> fun <T : StoryHandlerDefinition, S> storyDefWithSteps(intentName: String, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null, handlerDefCreator: HandlerStoryDefinitionCreator<T> = defaultHandlerStoryDefinitionCreator(), preconditionsChecker: BotBus.() -> Unit): StoryDefinitionBase where S : Enum<S>, S : StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition> |
storyWithSteps |
Creates a new story from a StoryHandlerBase. fun <T> storyWithSteps(handler: StoryHandlerBase<*>, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null): StoryDefinitionBase where T : Enum<T>, T : StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>
Creates a new story from a StoryHandler. fun <T> storyWithSteps(intent: IntentAware, storyHandler: StoryHandler, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null): StoryDefinitionBase where T : Enum<T>, T : StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>
Creates a new story. fun <T> storyWithSteps(intentName: String, otherStarterIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), secondaryIntents: Set<IntentAware> = emptySet(), unsupportedUserInterface: UserInterfaceType? = null, handler: BotBus.() -> Unit): StoryDefinitionBase where T : Enum<T>, T : StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition> |