Vert.x related package
DetailedHealthcheckResults |
Used to construct JSON data class DetailedHealthcheckResults |
ImageGeneratorHandler |
Provides a service that generates image using imageGenerator specified by paramExtractor. class ImageGeneratorHandler<T : Any> : Handler<RoutingContext> |
RequestLogger |
A simple request logger. interface RequestLogger |
TaskResult |
Used to construct JSON data class TaskResult |
WebVerticle |
Base class for web Tock io.vertx.core.Verticles. Provides utility methods. abstract class WebVerticle : AbstractVerticle |
BadRequestException |
Http 400 exception. class BadRequestException : RestException |
NotFoundException |
Http 404 exception. class NotFoundException : RestException |
RestException |
Base class for rest exceptions. open class RestException : Exception |
UnauthorizedException |
Http 401 exception. class UnauthorizedException : RestException |
io.vertx.core.Vertx |
io.vertx.ext.web.Route |
defaultVertxOptions |
default vert.x options in Tock. var defaultVertxOptions: VertxOptions |
vertx |
The Tock Vertx entry point instance. val vertx: Vertx |
detailedHealthcheck |
Return an HTTP handler which calls lambdas and construct the HTTP response fun detailedHealthcheck(: List<Pair<String, () -> Boolean>> = listOf(), : () -> Boolean = { true }): (RoutingContext) -> Unit |