fun <T : Bus<T>> T.selectItem(title: CharSequence, targetIntent: IntentAware, vararg parameters: Pair<String, String>): GASelectItem
Provides a GASelectItem with String parameters.
fun <T : Bus<T>> T.selectItem(title: CharSequence, targetIntent: IntentAware, optionTitle: CharSequence? = null, vararg parameters: Pair<String, String>): GASelectItem
Provides a GASelectItem with option title and String parameters.
fun <T : Bus<T>> T.selectItem(title: CharSequence, targetIntent: IntentAware, step: StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>, optionTitle: CharSequence? = null, parameters: Parameters): GASelectItem
Provides a GASelectItem with option title, StoryStep and Parameters parameters.
fun <T : Bus<T>> T.selectItem(title: CharSequence, targetIntent: IntentAware, step: StoryStep<out StoryHandlerDefinition>? = null, optionTitle: CharSequence? = null, vararg parameters: Pair<String, String>): GASelectItem
Provides a GASelectItem with option title, StoryStep and String parameters.