tock / / BotBus / end


open fun end(message: Message, delay: Long = defaultDelay(currentAnswerIndex)): BotBus (source)

Sends Message as last bot answer.

abstract fun end(action: Action, delay: Long = defaultDelay(currentAnswerIndex)): BotBus (source)

Sends Action as last bot answer.

open fun end(messages: MessagesList, initialDelay: Long = 0): BotBus (source)

Sends a MessagesList and end the dialog.

open fun end(delay: Long, messageProvider: BotBus.() -> Any?): BotBus (source)

Sends messages provided by messageProvider as last bot answer. if messageProvider returns a CharSequence send it as text. Else call simply end().

open fun end(i18nText: CharSequence, delay: Long, vararg i18nArgs: Any?): BotBus (source)
open fun end(i18nText: CharSequence, vararg i18nArgs: Any?): BotBus (source)

Sends i18nText as last bot answer.

open fun end(delay: Long): BotBus (source)

Send previously registered ConnectorMessage as last bot answer.