WhatsApp connector implementation
WhatsAppConnector |
class WhatsAppConnector : ConnectorBase |
WhatsAppConnectorCallback |
The WhatsApp ConnectorCallback. class WhatsAppConnectorCallback : ConnectorCallbackBase |
WhatsAppConnectorData |
Dedicated Whatsapp parameters. class WhatsAppConnectorData : ConnectorData |
WhatsAppHandler |
To specify ConnectorStoryHandler for WhatsApp connector. KClass passed as value of this annotation must have a primary constructor with a single not optional StoryHandlerDefinitionBase argument. annotation class WhatsAppHandler |
whatsAppConnectorType |
The WhatsApp connector type. val whatsAppConnectorType: ConnectorType |
endForWhatsApp |
Sends an WhatsApp message as last bot answer, only if the ConnectorType of the current BotBus is whatsAppConnectorType. fun <T : Bus<T>> T.endForWhatsApp(messageProvider: T.() -> WhatsAppBotMessage, delay: Long = defaultDelay(currentAnswerIndex)): T |
sendToWhatsApp |
Sends an WhatsApp message only if the ConnectorType of the current BotBus is whatsAppConnectorType. fun <T : Bus<T>> T.sendToWhatsApp(messageProvider: T.() -> WhatsAppBotMessage, delay: Long = defaultDelay(currentAnswerIndex)): T |
whatsAppImage |
Creates a WhatsAppBotImageMessage. fun BotBus.whatsAppImage(byteImages: ByteArray, contentType: String = "image/png", : CharSequence? = null): WhatsAppBotImageMessage |
whatsAppInteractiveMessage |
Creates a WhatsAppBotInteractiveMessage fun BotBus.whatsAppInteractiveMessage(nameSpace: String, templateName: String, components: List<WhatsAppComponent>? = emptyList()): WhatsAppBotInteractiveMessage |
whatsAppText |
Creates a WhatsAppBotTextMessage. fun BotBus.whatsAppText(text: CharSequence, previewUrl: Boolean = false): WhatsAppBotTextMessage |
withWhatsApp |
Adds a WhatsApp ConnectorMessage if the current connector is WhatsApp. You need to call BotBus.send or BotBus.end later to send this message. fun <T : Bus<T>> T.withWhatsApp(messageProvider: () -> WhatsAppBotMessage): T |