Active community.

More and more teams and companies trust in Tock and open conversational platforms.
Join community members on Gitter and feel free to ask!
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Tock, RAG & opensource LLM at WAXconf

At WAXconf 2024, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa and SNCF Connect & Tech teams will present RAG and LLM seamless integration with traditional skills and CRM tools through the Tock platform, including new "low code" RAG features available in Tock Studio.

RDV, June the 6th at Aix-en-Provence for this presentation (in French), later available for replay.

Tock & Bedrock at La Nuit des Meetups

At La Nuit des Meetup 2024, SNCF Connect & Tech presented a demo of a conversational experience leveraging the Tock platform with the Bedrock service from Amazon, showing the benefits of an "hybrid" solution providing both deterministic answers and Generative AI (RAG), stating one can experiment with various AI models then decide, where and when to use them in order to build the best user experience.

Crédit Mutuel Arkéa at AI For Finance

During the AI for Finance convention, the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa conversational team leaders presented a REX about setting an hybrid organization to adopt LLM solutions and leveraging the Tock platform as a "hub".

The talk is available for replay (in French, for registered attendees).

Tock+LLM at VivaTech 2023

At VivaTech 2023 the Groupe SNCF shared recents experiments with various LLM and Generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT or Bloom, as well as the benefits of integrating them with Tock as a platform providing more control and decoupled solutions.

La Revue du Digital wrote an article entitled ChatGPT isn't ready to answer SNCF customers (in French).

SPooN+Tock avatars showcase

Devoxx France, DevFest Nantes... SNCF Connect & Tech now leverages Tock and SPooN technologies to run its "employer brand" stand during major tech events.

Meet Mate the robot: it is inexhaustible on the company, knows the current job offers, guides visitors during the convention... always with a pure Open Source heart!

Tock & ChatGPT demo at FOSDEM

Several weeks after the service from OpenAI was launched, SNCF Connect & Tech performed a live demo at FOSDEM 2023 (track Kotlin). They created and integrated a Tock bot with ChatGPT in 20 minutes, building a unified conversational experience with both traditional (deterministic) answers and more possibilities from a powerful Generative AI solution, such as ChatGPT.

Internal chatbots at scale

SNCF, ENEDIS, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa... More and more organizations use Tock to build and run internal assistants, some of them being open to more than 100 000 employees.

There are various use cases: HR, legal support, purchasing, IT support, using new tools, booking resources, helpdesks, DevOps, and more. See Tock user stories for more.

SPooN connects avatars to Tock

SPooN, a company designing virtual avatars and totems, has developed a Tock connector making it possible to give life to a Tock bot through an animated avatar with multimodal interaction (voice, eyes and touch) to build a rich and engaging experience.

To know more, contact the SPooN team, or the Tock community on Gitter.


Built around a Tock bot, the French AlloCovid service informs and guides population about the Covid-19. Designed by French experts, partners and volunteers, it is available by phone, on the Web and WhatsApp.

The Website is now closed, but bot sources are available here.

Hackathon for all!

SNCF prepares a two-day open hackathon on Conversational AI using its Tock platform. Everyone can register and bring coding skills and use cases, such as travel, accessibility, entertainment... May the best team wins!

Rendez-vous November 21-22 at Espace 574 (St Denis) and the Hack & Bot Website.

Public Tock instance now available

A public online platform is now available, making it easier to test Tock without installing anything. A step-by-step guide can be found in the documentation, so give it a try!

Start opening then follow the "Try Tock" guide instructions.

They are using Tock...

They are always available: on the Web, mobile apps, social networks or smart speakers. These assistants and companies leverage Open Source to bring innovation and services.

Learn more about Tock early adopters.