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Contribute to Tock

The Tock project is open to contribution and any feedback is welcome!

This page details the source structure and coding conventions for the platform.



Main technologies

Tock components can run as containers (provided implementation for Docker).

The application runs on JVM platforms. The reference language is Kotlin, but other programming languages can be leveraged through the available APIs.

On the server side, Tock relies on Vert.x and MongoDB (alt. DocumentDB). Various NLU libraries and algorithms can be used, but Tock does not depend on them directly.

Tock Studio graphical user interfaces are built with Angular in Typescript.

React and Flutter toolkits are provided for Web and Mobile integrations.

Source structure


The tock repository

TODO : detail modules and repo structure

Le tock-docker repository

TODO : detail modules and repo structure, how Maven and Docker builds work, etc.

Build & run

Build Tock from sources

Tock (core)

Tock is built with Maven, including the Web modules leveraging NPM et Angular:

$ mvn package

Continuous integration build jobs are available on Travis.

Docker images

Tock Docker images can be rebuilt from sources, included in repository tock-docker. One can use Maven to trigger the Docker build:

$ mvn package docker:build

Docker containers can then be instantiated from images, or Docker Compose stacks from the various descriptors at the root of the repository.

Run Tock in IDE

To run Tock using Docker Compose outside the IDE, rather see Deploy Tock with Docker.

Tock components (NLU, Studio, bot...) can run in an IDE, such as
IntelliJ, Eclipse or Visual Studio Code for instance.

Beside the Docker images, IntelliJ configurations are provided with Tock sources:

The OpenDataBot example also has a run configuration available:

To start the Tock Studio interfaces, please refer to the commands described in the following page:


Commits & merge requests

To submit a feature or bugfix:

  1. Create an issue:
  2. Reccommended format for the title: - [Component] Title where component might be Studio, Core, Doc, etc. and title usually is like Do or fix something
  3. Create a pull request and link it to the issue(s):
  4. All commits should be signed
  5. Please rebase and squash unnecessary commits (tips: PR can be tagged as Draft) before submitting
  6. Recommended format for the branch name :
    • ISSUEID_short_title
  7. Recommended format for the commit(s) message(s):
    • resolves #ISSUEID Component: title for features
    • fixes #ISSUEID Component: title for fixes
  8. To be merged, a pull request must pass the tests and be reviewed by at least two of these developers:
  9. @vsct-jburet, @francoisno, @NainJaune, @elebescond, @SarukaUsagi, @MaximeLeFrancois, @bakic, @broxmik, @mrboizo

Code conventions

Kotlin Code Conventions are used.

Unit tests

Every new feature or fix should embed its unit test(s).

Contact us

To contribute to the project or to known more about the implementation, feel free to contact us. Ideas and feedback is more than welcome.

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