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The Tock collections

tock_bot and tock_bot_test

collection description class
action_nlp_stats ? statistics of pre-recorded actions? NlpStatsCol
archived_entity_values ​​ ? value of preserved entities? ArchivedEntityValuesCol
bot Identity of bots BotConfiguration
bot_configuration Configuration of bots with for example the configurations of connectors, the associated urls etc. BotApplicationConfiguration
connector_message Stores for example the quickreplies/categories exchanged from the connector ConnectorMessageCol
dialog Contains the general information of the dialog thread with the bot: the transmitters/receivers, the state of the conversation in the thread, the triggered stories and their contents with the actions of the bot and the user actions. DialogCol
dialog_snapshot Contains a snapshot of the threads with the ID of the stories and entities saved and triggered SnapshotCol
dialog_text Contains the textual exchanges sent by the users DialogTextCol
feature Contains the configurations to for example disable/enable a bot or the features in Stories & Answers/Rules/Application Features Feature
flow_state Concerns the analytics information: defines the different states that can be reached, the storyType (ex: builtin) DialogFlowStateCol
flow_transition Concerns the analytics information: Defines the transitions between the intentions DialogFlowStateTransitionCol
flow_transition_stats Concerns the analytics information: Lists the utterances to be counted DialogFlowStateTransitionStatCol
i18n_alternative_index Defines alternatives in different languages ​​for an i18n label? I18nAlternativeIndex
i18n_label Defines i18n labels for bot responses I18nLabel
i18n_label_stat Label usage statistics I18nLabelStat
story_configuration Story configuration, intent name, handler type class, step definition, children StoryDefinitionConfiguration
story_configuration_history Story configuration history? StoryDefinitionConfigurationHistoryCol
test_plan Test plan, defined via a copy of a Dialog and has the target connector type TestPlan
test_plan_execution Test plan statistics executed: indicates the number of errors, execution time, status (example COMPLETE) TestPlanExecution
user_lock ? User lock status management UserLock
user_timeline User information relative to Analytics/users UserTimelineCol


Related to editable information in the front

collection description class DTO
application_definition Application configuration: name, languages, nlp type ApplicationDefinition
classified_sentence Information of a Sentence declared in Tock and the NLP classification, its status (to review, unknown) ClassifiedSentenceCol
dictionary_data Dictionary of data related to custom defined entities, can contain predefined values ​​
example: export {"namespace":"app","entityName":"test","values":[{"value":"donnéesA","labels":{"fr":["label1","label2"]}}],"onlyValues":false,"minDistance":0.5,"textSearch":false}
Configurable in Language Understanding/Entities
entity_test_error ? Related to entity testing EntityTestError
entity_type_definition Entity class configuration example: duckling EntityTypeDefinition
intent_definition Definition of intents with information such as entities, sharedIntents, which application they are related to IntentDefinition
intent_test_error ? Related to intent testing IntentTestError
model_build ? Related to Trigger Build advanced options in `Settings//Edit/Advanced Options ModelBuild
model_build_trigger ? Related to Trigger Build advanced options in `Settings//Edit/Advanced Options ModelBuildTrigger
parse_request_log Query parsing log with NLP classification specific information ParseRequestLog
parse_request_log_intent_stats Query parsing log with NLP classification specific information between multiple intents ParseRequestLogIntentStat
parse_request_log_stats Query stats against text expressing the number of times it was called, the intentProbability and the entitiesProbability ParseRequestLogStat
test_build ? build for the botApi ? TestBuild
user_action_log Logs of user actions in the interface (example: update of a configuration, creation/update of an intent) UserActionLog
user_namespace Definition of the different users of the interface UserNamespace


Probably for downloading and exporting data from Tock.

collection description class
fs_entity.chunks Chunks of entity data defined in NlpEngineModelMongoDAO
fs_entity.files Different files for different bots for entities defined in NlpEngineModelMongoDAO
fs_intent.chunks Chunks of intent data defined in NlpEngineModelMongoDAO
fs_intent.files Different files for different bots for intents defined in NlpEngineModelMongoDAO
nlp_application_configuration Contains the configuration present in the advanced options in Settings/<Application>/Edit/Advanced Options NlpApplicationConfigurationCol
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