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Develop in Tock Bot Integrated mode

The Tock Bot Integrated mode allows you to develop a bot using a Domain Specific Language (DSL) in Kotlin.

Unlike the Bot API mode still in development, the Kotlin Bot Framework allows you to exploit all the possibilities of the Tock platform, including:

  • User context management
  • Conversation history
  • Advanced concepts such as entity fusion
  • Etc.

Example of entity fusion: when a user asks for "tomorrow" in a sentence (let's call this entity date) then "rather in the evening" in a following sentence, the fusion allows to automatically update the entity (date) with the two complementary pieces of information: day and time slot in this example.

Warning: in this development mode, unlike the Bot API mode, it is necessary for the bot module

to have a connection to the database (MongoDB) of the Tock platform used.

To fully understand what follows, it is recommended to master the basics of the Kotlin programming language.

Getting started with the framework

KDoc documentation

The framework documentation in KDoc format is available here.

bot-toolkit dependency

To use the conversational framework, you need to add the bot-tookit dependency to the Kotlin application/project.

For example in a Maven project:


Or in a Gradle project:

      compile 'ai.tock:bot-toolkit:24.9.7'

A bot is a set of stories

Here is for example how the Open Data Bot is defined:

val openBot = bot(
        stories =
        hello = greetings

This bot has an identifier (required - "bot_open_data") and a list of paths or stories.

A Story is a functional grouping that corresponds to a main intention and, optionally, to one or more so-called "secondary" intentions (see Concepts).

Here the bot defines 4 paths: greetings, departures, arrivals and search.

The greetings path is declared as the main path, it will be presented by default at the beginning of a conversation: hello = greetings.

A simple Story

How do you define a Story?

Here is a first simplified version of the greetings path:

val greetings = story("greetings") {
    send("Bienvenue chez le Bot Open Data Sncf! :)")
    end("Il s'agit d'un bot de démonstration du framework Tock :")

Note that in the body of the function, this is of type BotBus, from which you can interact with the user, and which also allows access to all available contextual elements.

Concretely this means that when the greetings intention is detected by the NLP model, the function above will be called by the Tock framework.

The bot therefore successively sends a first response sentence (bus.send()), then a second indicating that it is the last sentence of its response using a bus.end().

Here is now the full version of greetings:

val greetings = story("greetings") {
    //cleanup state

    send("Welcome to the Open Data Sncf Bot! :)")
    send("This is a demo bot of the Tock framework :")

    withMessenger {
              "It is intentionally very limited, but ask him for a route or departures from a station and see the result! :) ",
              postbackButton("Routes", search),
              postbackButton("Departures", Departures),
              postbackButton("Arrivals", Arrivals)
    withGoogleAssistant {
              "It is deliberately very limited, but ask him for a route or departures from a station and see the result! :) ",


Two notions have been added:

  • resetDialogState() which allows you to start from an empty user context (forgetting any previous exchanges)

  • the withMessenger{} and withGoogleAssistant{} methods which allow you to define specific responses for each connector. Here is a text with buttons for Messenger, and a text with suggestions for Google Assistant.

Start and connect the bot

To start the bot, simply add the following call to your main main:


The openBot variable in the example is the bot you defined above.

Once the bot is started, it is also necessary to specify which connectors are used in the bot's administration interface, from the Configuration > Bot Configurations > Create a new configuration menu.

To learn more about the different channels and connectors, see this page.

Importing the configuration (dumps)

It is possible to export different configurations from Tock Studio, and then import them automatically when the bot starts.

Once the Tock Studio dumps files are exported to the bot's classpath, one or more of the following functions can be called from the main:

  • importApplicationDump: imports an application from an dump of an application. Note: the import is ignored if the target application already exists.
  • importNlpDump: imports an NLP model (intentions, sentences, entities) from an dump NLP.
  • importI18nDump: imports labels (aka i18n) from a dump of labels.

Example :

fun main(args: Array<String>) {


  // Import application

  // Import NLP model (intents, sentences, entities...)

  // Import story labels (aka i18n)

Going further

Of course, the StoryHandler of greetings is not context-dependent: the answer is always the same.

For the development of complex stories, we need an additional abstraction.

Secondary intentions

Here is the beginning of the definition of the search story:

val search = storyDef<SearchDef>(
        otherStarterIntents = setOf(indicate_origin),
        secondaryIntents = setOf(indicate_location)) {

The search path defines a "start" secondary intent (indicate_origin) and a simple secondary intent (indicate_location).

A "start" secondary intent is similar in every way to a main intent: as soon as this intent is detected, the search path will be executed, if the current story does not have this intent as a secondary intent.

For a simple secondary intent, on the other hand, the story will only be executed if the current story of the context is "already" the search story. Several different stories can therefore share the same secondary intents.

Manipulating entities

To retrieve entity values, a good practice is to define extensions. For example, here is the code used to retrieve the destination entity:

val destinationEntity = openBot.entity("location", "destination") 

var BotBus.destination: Place?
    get() = place(destinationEntity)
    set(value) = setPlace(destinationEntity, value)

private fun Entity): Place? = entityValue(entity, ::placeValue)?.place

private fun BotBus.setPlace(entity: Entity, place: Place?) = changeEntityValue(entity, place?.let { PlaceValue(place) })

An entity of type location and role destination is created. This is the corresponding entity in the NLP model.

A variable destination is defined, which will simplify the manipulation of this entity in the business code.

This variable contains the current value of the destination in the user context.

Here is a completed version of the search story that uses destination:

val search = storyDef<SearchDef>(
        setOf(indicate_location)) {

        //check mandatory entities
        when {
            destination == null -> end("Pour quelle destination?")
            origin == null -> end("Pour quelle origine?")
            departureDate == null -> end("Quand souhaitez-vous partir?")

If there is no value in the current context for the destination, the bot asks to specify the destination and leaves it there. Same for the origin or the departure date.

If the 3 mandatory values ​​are specified, it goes to the actual response developed in the class (SearchDef).

The full version of this first part of the code is as follows:

val search = storyDef<SearchDef>(
        setOf(indicate_location)) {

        //handle generic location intent
        if (isIntent(indicate_location) && location != null) {
            if (destination == null || origin != null) {
                destination = returnsAndRemoveLocation()
            } else {
                origin = returnsAndRemoveLocation()

        //check mandatory entities
        when {
            destination == null -> end("For which destination?")
            origin == null -> end("For what origin")
            departureDate == null -> end("When do you wish to leave?")

In case the detected intent is indicate_location, we don't know if the indicated location represents the origin or the destination. So a simple rule is coded: If there is already an origin in the context and no destination, the new location is actually the destination. Otherwise, it is the origin.

Using HandlerDef

In the definition of the search story above, you may have noticed the generic typing SearchDef. Here is the code for this class:

class SearchDef(bus: BotBus) : HandlerDef<SearchConnector>(bus) {

    private val d: Place = bus.destination!!
    private val o: Place = bus.origin!!
    private val date: LocalDateTime = bus.departureDate!!

    override fun answer() {
        send("De {0} à {1}", o, d)
        send("Départ le {0}", date by datetimeFormat)
        val journeys = SncfOpenDataClient.journey(o, d, date)
        if (journeys.isEmpty()) {
            end("Sorry, no route found: ")
        } else {
            send("Here is the first proposal :")

SearchDef extends HandlerDef which is an alias of a class in the Tock framework.

This is usually where we will define the business code of complex journeys.

The code is relatively clear, but it contains an additional abstraction: SearchConnector.

SearchConnector is the class that defines the specific behavior for each connector, and the annotations @GAHandler(GASearchConnector::class) and @MessengerHandler(MessengerSearchConnector::class) indicate the corresponding implementations for the different supported connectors (Google Assistant and Messenger respectively).

What would happen if there was no connector for Google Assistant for example?

The method connector?.sendFirstJourney(journeys.first()) would not send the final response, since connector would be null.

Using ConnectorDef

Here is now a simplified version of SearchConnector:

sealed class SearchConnector(context: SearchDef) : ConnectorDef<SearchDef>(context) {

    fun Section.title(): CharSequence = i18n("{0} - {1}", from, to)

    fun sendFirstJourney(journey: Journey) = withMessage(sendFirstJourney(journey.publicTransportSections()))

    abstract fun sendFirstJourney(sections: List<Section>): ConnectorMessage


And here is its implementation for Messenger:

class MessengerSearchConnector(context: SearchDef) : SearchConnector(context) {

    override fun sendFirstJourney(sections: List<Section>): ConnectorMessage =
       { section ->
                      with(section) {

The code specific to each connector is thus correctly decoupled. The code common to each connector is present in SearchConnector and the behavior specific to each connector is in the dedicated classes.

Using StoryStep

Sometimes it is necessary to remember the step at which the user is in the current story. For this Tock provides the notion of StoryStep.

There are two types of StoryStep:


To be used in simple cases, for which we will manage the induced behavior directly:

enum class MyStep : SimpleStoryStep { a, b }

val story = storyWithSteps<MyStep>("intent") {
    if(step == a) {
        // ...
    } else if(step == b) {
        // ...
    } else {
        //default case

To modify the current step, two methods are available:

  • Manually modify the step
val story = storyWithSteps<MyStep>("intent") {
    step = MyStep.a
    // the step will be persisted as long as we stay in this story
  • Use buttons or other quick replies

More details on this topic below.

StoryStep with behavior

In more complex cases, we want to be able to define a behavior for each step. Using HandlerDef is then a prerequisite.

enum class MySteps : StoryStep<MyHandlerDef> {

    //no specific behavior

    select {

        // the "select" step will be automatically selected if the select sub-intent is detected
        override val intent: IntentAware? =
        //in this case the following response will be given
        override fun answer(): MyHandlerDef.() -> Any? = {
            end("I don't know yet how to select something")

    disruption {
        //only the response is configured
        override fun answer(): ScoreboardDef.() -> Any? = {
            end("some perturbation")
More configuration options are available. See the description of StoryStep.

Postback buttons & quick replies

Messenger provides this type of button, and most connectors with a GUI do the same.

Tock allows you to define the action performed when clicking on these buttons.

In the following example, the button will redirect to the search intent.

            "The bot is very limited! Only itineraries are supported :)",
            postbackButton("Itineraries", search)

It is possible to also define a StoryStep and dedicated parameters:

//To define parameters, the recommended practice is to extend the ParameterKey interface
enum class ChoiceParameter : ParameterKey {
    nextResultDate, nextResultOrigin

            "The bot is very limited! Only itineraries are supported :)",
                intent = search, 
                //if no step is indicated, the current step is used
                step = MyStep.a, 
                parameters =  
                    //This parameter is stored as a string (square brackets are used)
                    nextResultDate[nextDate] + 
                    //this parameter is stored in json (parentheses are used)

To retrieve the parameters of the button that was clicked:

    val isClick = isChoiceAction()
    val nextDate = choice(nextResultDate)
    val nextOrigin : Locality = action.jsonChoice(nextResultOrigin)

Unit Tests

The Unit Tests page presents the framework provided to perform TUs with Tock.

Chat with Tock