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Users Tock Studio


Tock supports several authentication systems for the administration interface. It uses the corresponding vert.x libraries.

Here are the systems available by default (all implementations of TockAuthProvider):

It is also possible to integrate CAS authentication (SSO), in the case of an enterprise-type installation. This model requires inheriting from a base model, but allows you to match a user profile according to your own constraints and specificities.

Details and configuration examples are given further down this page.

If these models do not fit your needs, it is relatively easy to develop others based on the examples above. Feel free to contribute to the project and contact us for any questions!


Tock allows you to assign several roles or authorization levels to users in the Tock Studio interfaces.

Depending on the authentication system used (by properties, 0Auth, etc.) each user is assigned one or more of these roles, giving them different accesses in the application.

The available roles are defined in the TockUserRole enum:

Role Description
nlpUser NLP platform user, allowed to qualify and search sentences.
~~faqNlpUser~~ ~~FAQ NLP platform user, allowed to qualify and search sentences.~~
(Deprecated: Use the 'nlpUser' role instead)
~~faqBotUser~~ ~~A faq bot user is allowed to manage the FAQ content, and train the FAQ~~
(Deprecated: Use the 'botUser' role instead)
botUser Bot platform user, allowed to create and modify stories, rules and answers.
admin Allowed to update applications and configurations/connectors, import/export intents, sentences, stories, etc.
technicalAdmin Allowed to access encrypted data, import/export application dumps, etc.

How to configure which Tock Studio user has which role depends on the authentication mode, in other words the implementation of TockAuthProvider used.

Implementation by properties

The configuration by "properties" is used by default. It does not depend on any third-party system to work.

This mode consists of configuring users and roles by properties or environment variables.

Depending on the deployment mode used, these variables can be defined either directly on the command line, or in a descriptor such as docker-compose.yml, or other.

If no variable is defined (for example in the descriptors provided in the repository tock-docker), default values ​​are used.

Here are the properties and their default values:

Environment Variable Default Value Description
tock_users Identifiers (comma-separated).
tock_passwords password Passwords (comma-separated).
tock_organizations app Organizations (comma-separated).
tock_roles Empty (i.e., all roles) Roles separated by | (then by commas).

To define the identity and roles of several users, separate the values ​​by commas.

Warning: each of these properties must have the same number of values ​​(and in the same order) to allow correlation of these values ​​(index by index, for each user)

Below is an example in Docker-Compose format:

{ "name" : "tock_users", "value" : "," },
{ "name" : "tock_passwords", "value" : "secret1,secret2" },
{ "name" : "tock_organizations", "value" : "tock,tock" },
{ "name" : "tock_roles", "value" : "botUser,nlpUser|botUser|admin|technicalAdmin" },

In this example, Alice has the botUser role, while Bob has all the roles.

For more information on how this implementation works, see the class PropertyBasedAuthProvider.

Generic 0Auth2 Implementation

This generic implementation is to be used whenever you want to set up an OAuth2 configuration.

Here are the properties and their default values:

Environment Variable Example Value Description Example
tock_oauth2_enabled true Enable OAuth2 authentication
tock_oauth2_client_id CLIENT_ID Client ID to query the GitHub API
tock_oauth2_secret_key SECRET_KEY Password to query the GitHub API
tock_oauth2_site_url https://provider OAuth2 provider URL
tock_oauth2_access_token_path /oauth2/token Relative path to retrieve the access token
tock_oauth2_authorize_path /oauth2/authorize Relative path to retrieve the authorization
tock_oauth2_userinfo_path /oauth2/userInfo Relative path to retrieve user information
tock_oauth2_proxy_host Proxy host (leave blank if no proxy is used)
tock_oauth2_proxy_port Optional proxy port
tock_oauth2_user_role_attribute custom:roles Attribute read from the token for role mapping
tock_custom_roles_mapping Link between OAuth profiles and Tock roles
tock_custom_namespace_mapping Link between OAuth profiles and Tock namespaces id1=sncf|id2=sncf
tock_bot_admin_rest_default_base_url http://localhost:8080 Redirect to Tock Studio URL if necessary

It is necessary to indicate in callback url https://[host admin]/rest/callback.

0Auth2 implementation for Keycloak

This OAuth2 Keycloak implementation is to be used as soon as you want to configure an OAuth2 configuration with Keycloak.

Here are the properties and their proposed values:

Warning, by default, no adapter is activated, it is imperative to set the tock_keycloak_enabled key corresponding to our adapter to true.

Environment variable Example value Description
tock_keycloak_enabled true Enabling 0Auth2 authentication
tock_keycloak_client_id CLIENT_ID Client id created on Keycloak
tock_keycloak_secret_key SECRET_KEY Secret key generated by Keycloak
tock_keycloak_site_url https://keycloak/realms/myrealm Keycloak Realm Url
tock_keycloak_access_token_path /protocol/openid-connect/token Relative path to retrieve the access token
tock_keycloak_authorize_path /protocol/openid-connect/auth Relative path for the authorize
tock_keycloak_userinfo_path /protocol/openid-connect/userinfo Relative path for the userinfo
tock_keycloak_proxy_host proxy host (do not specify if no proxy)
tock_keycloak_proxy_port optional proxy port
tock_custom_namespace_mapping tock_namespace Attribute read in the token for the namespace
tock_keycloak_user_role_attribute tock_roles Attribute read in the token for the roles

It is necessary to indicate in callback url https://[host admin]/rest/callback.

A basic configuration requires to define tock_keycloak_client_id and tock_keycloak_secret_key with the corresponding values ​​on Keycloak.

It is also necessary to pass the address of the keycloak Realm via tock_keycloak_site_url.

It is however not necessary to define tock_keycloak_access_token_path, tock_keycloak_authorize_path and tock_keycloak_userinfo_path since the default values ​​are suitable for Keycloak if the realm address is specified correctly.

If tock_custom_namespace_mapping is not set or the attribute is not found, the default "app" namespace is used.

0Auth/GitHub Implementation

This rather simplistic implementation is used as an example, as well as for the public demo platform

It consists of querying the GitHub API to verify the identity of a user from their token (access_token).

Note: no other data in the GitHub profile is accessed by Tock, apart from the identifier.

In this mode, enabled by the tock_github_oauth_enabled property, each user automatically receives all Tock Studio roles and an organization (ie. namespace) with the same name as their identifier.

Here are the properties and their default values:

Environment Variable Default Value Description
tock_github_oauth_enabled false Enable OAuth/GitHub authentication.
tock_github_oauth_client_id CLIENT_ID Identifier to query the GitHub API.
tock_github_oauth_secret_key SECRET_KEY Password to query the GitHub API.
tock_github_api_request_timeout_ms 5000 Identity verification timeout (GitHub API).

For more information on how this implementation works, see the class GithubOAuthProvider.

SSO/CAS Implementation

This implementation is intended to serve as a bridge between an enterprise environment and Tock. It is therefore partly specific to each enterprise, insofar as it is necessary to map a user profile to Tock groups and roles.

It is composed of:

  • An implementation of the CAS authentication mechanism integrated into Tock ( based on 'PAC4J' )
  • Your externalized module which will inherit this implementation, with a (re)definition of roles/groups according to the user profile

CAS authentication is enterprise specific and requires the development of a dedicated external module for tock

CAS module example: 'samples/tock-sample-cas-auth-provider'

Here are the properties and their default values:

Environment variable Default value Description
tock_cas_auth_enabled false Enable PAC4J/CAS authentication.
tock_cas_auth_proxy_host Proxy host (do not specify if no proxy)
tock_cas_auth_proxy_port 3128 Optional proxy port
tock_cas_join_same_namespace_per_user true When creating the user, if the namespace already exists and other users are already present, the new user joins the same existing namespace

For more information on how this implementation works, see the class CASAuthProvider.

Additional note:

When authentication is of type SSO the Logout button is not available


Since users can transmit personal data to bots through their conversations, it is important to think about the nature of the data handled in Tock Studio or stored by Tock, and to implement appropriate protection mechanisms (anonymization, encryption, retention period, role-based access restrictions, etc.).

See in particular the GDPR regulation.

Data encryption

Database encryption

It is recommended to deploy your MongoDB databases in encrypted_ mode.

Application encryption

Tock can perform an application encryption (optional) of some fields in the database, independently of the encryption of the database itself.

This is the role of the environment variable tock_encrypt_pass, which allows to indicate a password to encrypt and decrypt these fields. By default in the prod environment, Tock encrypts all user data deemed sensitive provided that tock_encrypt_pass is defined.

For more details, you can refer to the source code.

Note: defining tock_encrypt_pass is required to use the NLP entity anonymization functions in the Tock Studio interfaces.


It is often desirable that certain sentences be anonymized whether in the logs (logging) or in the interface (Tock Studio). For example, contact details, loyalty card numbers, etc. should not be read by Tock Studio users or by platform administrators.

By the framework

To anonymize this data, Tock provides in its framework a solution based on regular expressions (RegExp) whose basic interface is StringObfuscator.

By the NLP model

Tock also allows to anonymize in Tock Studio (Inbox view in particular.) the values ​​of the entities recognized by the NLP model.

This anonymization by entity type is configured in the Language Understanding > Entities view. Only users with an admin or technicalAdmin role in Tock Studio can enable/disable this feature.

For more information, see Roles.

In views where sentences are displayed anonymized (Inbox, Search for example), an admin or technicalAdmin can decide to still display (for himself only) a non-anonymized sentence using the Reveal the sentence (eye open) action.

Note: Setting tock_encrypt_pass is required to use NLP entity anonymization functions in Tock Studio interfaces.


It is often desirable that certain sentences be anonymized whether in the logs (logging) or in the interface (Tock Studio). For example, contact details, loyalty card numbers, etc. should not be read by either Tock Studio users or platform administrators.

By the framework

To anonymize this data, Tock provides in its framework a solution based on regular expressions (RegExp) whose basic interface is StringObfuscator.

By the NLP model

Tock also allows to anonymize in Tock Studio (Inbox view in particular.) the values ​​of the entities recognized by the NLP model.

This anonymization by entity types is configured in the Language Understanding > Entities view. Only users with an admin or technicalAdmin role in Tock Studio can enable/disable this feature.

For more information, see Roles.

In the views where the sentences are displayed anonymized (Inbox, Search for example), an admin or technicalAdmin can decide to still display (for himself only) a non-anonymized sentence thanks to the Reveal the sentence action (open eye).

Note: Setting tock_encrypt_pass is required to use NLP entity anonymization features in Tock Studio interfaces.

Storage & Retention

Tock automatically stores different types of data, ranging from non-sensitive information (Stories configuration and bot responses, intent structure, browsing statistics for all users, etc.) to more personal data (conversation details, user preferences, etc.).

Depending on their nature and use in Tock (NLP, monitoring, debugging, etc.),

these data have specific, configurable retention periods. Each Tock user decides and configures how long the stored data is retained, based on their needs.

The Installation > Data Retention section describes the different types of data retained and how to modify their retention period.

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