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Tock LLM Orchestrator APIs

# Resource Description HTTP Method Query params Body - Response
01 /llm-providers Get all Large Language Model providers covered GET Voir
02 /llm-providers/{provider-id} Get a specific Large Language Model provider covered GET Voir
03 /llm-providers/{provider-id}/setting Get an example for a specific Large Language Model setting GET Voir
04 /llm-providers/{provider-id}/setting/status Check the setting for a specific Large Language Model setting POST Voir
05 /em-providers Get all Embedding Model providers covered GET Voir
06 /em-providers/{provider-id} Get a specific Embedding Model provider covered GET Voir
07 /em-providers/{provider-id}/setting Get an example for a specific Embedding Model setting GET Voir
08 /em-providers/{provider-id}/setting/status Check the setting for a specific Embedding Model setting POST Voir
09 /rag Ask question by using a knowledge base (documents) as context POST debug=true Voir
10 /completion/sentence-generation Generate sentences POST debug=true Voir

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API-01 : [GET] /llm-providers


class LLMProvidersResponse(BaseModel)
    providers: list[LLMProvider]

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API-02 : [GET] /llm-providers/{provider-id}


class LLMProviderResponse(BaseModel):
    provider: LLMProvider

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API-03 : [GET] /llm-providers/{provider-id}/setting/example


class LLMProviderSettingExampleResponse(BaseModel):
    setting: LLMSetting

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API-04 : [POST] /llm-providers/{provider-id}/setting/status


class LLMProviderSettingStatusQuery(BaseModel):
    setting: LLMSetting


class LLMProviderSettingStatusResponse(BaseModel):
    valid: bool,
    errors: list[Error]

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API-05 : [GET] /em-providers


class EMProvidersResponse(BaseModel)
    providers: list[LLMProvider]

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API-06 : [GET] /em-providers/{provider-id}


class EMProviderResponse(BaseModel):
    provider: LLMProvider

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API-07 : [GET] /em-providers/{provider-id}/setting/example


class EMProviderSettingExampleResponse(BaseModel):
    setting: EMSetting

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API-08 : [POST] /em-providers/{provider-id}/setting/status


class EMProviderSettingStatusQuery(BaseModel):
    setting: EMSetting


class EMProviderSettingStatusResponse(BaseModel):
    valid: bool,
    errors: list[Error]

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API-09 : [POST] /rag

Body :

class RagQuery(BaseModel):
    dialog: Optional[DialogDetails]
    question_condensing_llm_setting: LLMSetting
    question_condensing_prompt: Optional[PromptTemplate]
    question_answering_llm_setting: LLMSetting
    question_answering_prompt: Optional[PromptTemplate]
    embedding_question_em_setting: EMSetting
    guardrail_setting: Optional[GuardrailSetting]
    observability_setting: Optional[ObservabilitySetting]
    compressor_setting: Optional[DocumentCompressorSetting]
    document_index_name: str
    document_search_params: DocumentSearchParams

Response :

class RagResponse(BaseModel):
    answer: TextWithFootnotes
    debug: Optional[Any] = None

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API-10 : [POST] /completion/sentence-generation

Body :

class SentenceGenerationQuery(BaseModel):
    llm_setting: LLMSetting

Response :

class SentenceGenerationResponse(BaseModel):
    sentences: list[str]

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class LLMProvider(str, Enum):
    OPEN_AI = 'OpenAI'
    AZURE_OPEN_AI_SERVICE = 'AzureOpenAIService'

class BaseLLMSetting(BaseModel):
    provider: LLMProvider
    api_key: str
    temperature: str

class BaseEMSetting(BaseModel):
    provider: LLMProvider
    api_key: str

class OpenAILLMSetting(BaseLLMSetting):
    provider: Literal[LLMProvider.OPEN_AI]
    model: str

class AzureOpenAILLMSetting(BaseLLMSetting):
    provider: Literal[LLMProvider.AZURE_OPEN_AI_SERVICE]
    deployment_name: str
    model: Optional[str]
    api_base: str
    api_version: str

LLMSetting = Annotated[
    Union[OpenAILLMSetting, AzureOpenAILLMSetting],

class OpenAIEMSetting(BaseEMSetting):
    provider: Literal[LLMProvider.OPEN_AI]
    model: str

class AzureOpenAIEMSetting(BaseEMSetting):
    provider: Literal[LLMProvider.AZURE_OPEN_AI_SERVICE]
    deployment_name: str
    model: Optional[str]
    api_base: str
    api_version: str

EMSetting = Annotated[
    Union[OpenAIEMSetting, AzureOpenAIEMSetting],

class VectorStoreProvider(str, Enum):
    OPEN_SEARCH = 'OpenSearch'

class BaseVectorStoreSearchParams(ABC, BaseModel):
    provider: VectorStoreProvider

class OpenSearchParams(BaseVectorStoreSearchParams):
    provider: Literal[VectorStoreProvider.OPEN_SEARCH]
    k: int
    filter: List[OpenSearchTermParams]

class OpenSearchTermParams(BaseModel):
    term: dict

DocumentSearchParams = Annotated[
    Union[OpenSearchParams], Body(discriminator='provider')

class Footnote(BaseModel):
    identifier: str
    title: str
    url: Optional[str] = None

class TextWithFootnotes(BaseModel):
    text: str
    footnotes: list[Footnote]

class DialogDetails(BaseModel):
    dialog_id: Optional[str]
    user_id: Optional[str]
    history: list[ChatMessage]
    tags: list[str]

class ChatMessageType(str, Enum):
    USER = 'HUMAN'
    AI = 'AI'

class ChatMessage(BaseModel):
    text: str
    type: ChatMessageType

class PromptTemplate(BaseModel):
    formatter: PromptFormatter
    template: str
    inputs: dict

class PromptFormatter(str, Enum):
    F_STRING = 'f-string'
    JINJA2 = 'jinja2'

class Error(BaseModel):
    code: str
    message: str

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General :

    "code": 1000,
    "message": "Unknown AI provider.",
    "detail": null,
    "info": {
      "provider": "TOTO",
      "error": "NotFoundError",
      "cause": "'TOTO' is not accepted. Accepted values are : ['OpenAI', 'AzureOpenAIService']",
      "request": "[POST] http://localhost:8000/llm-providers/TOTO/setting/status"
    "code": 1001,
    "message": "Bad query.",
    "detail": "The request seems to be invalid.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "AzureOpenAIService",
      "error": "BadRequestError",
      "cause": "'AzureOpenAIService' is different from the provider ID 'OpenAI' given for setting.",
      "request": "[POST] http://localhost:8000/llm-providers/AzureOpenAIService/setting/status"

LLMProvider OpenAI :

    "code": 2001,
    "message": "Connection error to the AI provider API.",
    "detail": "Check the requested URL, your network settings, proxy configuration, SSL certificates, or firewall rules.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "OpenAI",
      "error": "APIConnectionError",
      "cause": "Connection error.",
      "request": "[POST]"
    "code": 2002,
    "message": "Authentication error to the AI provider API.",
    "detail": "Check your API key or token and make sure it is correct and active.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "OpenAI",
      "error": "AuthenticationError",
      "cause": "Error code: 401 - {'error': {'message': 'Incorrect API key provided: ab7*****************************IV4B. You can find your API key at', 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': None, 'code': 'invalid_api_key'}}",
      "request": "[POST]"
    "code": 2003,
    "message": "An AI provider resource was not found.",
    "detail": "The request URL base is correct, but the path or a query parameter is not.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "OpenAI",
      "error": "NotFoundError",
      "cause": "Error code: 404 - {'error': {'message': 'This is not a chat model and thus not supported in the v1/chat/completions endpoint. Did you mean to use v1/completions?', 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': 'model', 'code': None}}",
      "request": "[POST]"
    "code": 2004,
    "message": "Unknown AI provider model.",
    "detail": "Consult the official documentation for accepted values.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "OpenAI",
      "error": "NotFoundError",
      "cause": "Error code: 404 - {'error': {'message': 'The model `gpt-3.5-TOTO` does not exist', 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': None, 'code': 'model_not_found'}}",
      "request": "[POST]"
    "code": 2007,
    "message": "The model's context length has been exceeded.",
    "detail": "Reduce the length of the prompt message.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "OpenAI",
      "error": "BadRequestError",
      "cause": "Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': \"This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 29167 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.\", 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': 'messages', 'code': 'context_length_exceeded'}}",
      "request": "[POST]"

LLMProvider AzureOpenAIService :

    "code": 2001,
    "message": "Connection error to the AI provider API.",
    "detail": "Check the requested URL, your network settings, proxy configuration, SSL certificates, or firewall rules.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "AzureOpenAIService",
      "error": "APIConnectionError",
      "cause": "Connection error.",
      "request": "[POST]"
    "code": 2002,
    "message": "Authentication error to the AI provider API.",
    "detail": "Check your API key or token and make sure it is correct and active.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "AzureOpenAIService",
      "error": "AuthenticationError",
      "cause": "Error code: 401 - {'statusCode': 401, 'message': 'Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription.'}",
      "request": "[POST]"
    "code": 2003,
    "message": "An AI provider resource was not found.",
    "detail": "The request URL base is correct, but the path or a query parameter is not.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "AzureOpenAIService",
      "error": "NotFoundError",
      "cause": "Error code: 404 - {'error': {'code': '404', 'message': 'Resource not found'}}",
      "request": "[POST]"
    "code": 2005,
    "message": "Unknown AI provider deployment.",
    "detail": "Consult the official documentation for accepted values.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "AzureOpenAIService",
      "error": "NotFoundError",
      "cause": "Error code: 404 - {'error': {'code': 'DeploymentNotFound', 'message': 'The API deployment for this resource does not exist. If you created the deployment within the last 5 minutes, please wait a moment and try again.'}}",
      "request": "[POST]"
    "code": 2006,
    "message": "AI provider API error.",
    "detail": "Bad request.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "AzureOpenAIService",
      "error": "BadRequestError",
      "cause": "Error code: 400 - {'error': {'code': 'OperationNotSupported', 'message': 'The embeddings operation does not work with the specified model, gpt-4. Please choose different model and try again. You can learn more about which models can be used with each operation here:'}}",
      "request": "[POST]"
    "code": 2007,
    "message": "The model's context length has been exceeded.",
    "detail": "Reduce the length of the prompt message.",
    "info": {
      "provider": "AzureOpenAIService",
      "error": "BadRequestError",
      "cause": "Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': \"This model's maximum context length is 8192 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 29167 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.\", 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': 'messages', 'code': 'context_length_exceeded'}}",
      "request": "[POST]"
Chat with Tock